Fan Coil Unit Applications (optional Air Quality Control)

Senticon QCR/TCR Modbus and BACnet controllers are ideal for fan coil unit control applications for temperature control in room spaces. The controllers have in-depth functionality making them suitable for most types of fan coil units in the market. Typical fan coil functions types include:- 

  • 2-pipe FCU (heating or cooling)
  • 4-pipe FCU (heating and cooling)
  • 2-pipe FCU with Summer/Winter Change-Over (Heating/Cooling change-over)
  • 2-pipe/4-pipe FCU with additonal heating or cooling
  • 2-pipe/4-pipe FCU with zone ventilation control (with air quality control)
  • 2-pipe FCU control with 6-port Valves
  • 2-pipe FCU with zone heating (e.g. radiators)
  • Two zone heating/cooling control (e.g. main room and bathroom)
  • CO2 based air quality control for additional zone dampers
  • VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) based air quality control e.g. for changing rooms or toilets

The QCR range of controllers  (Q=air quality,C=control, R=room) have built-in temperature and CO2 sensor with option for VOC, humidity and occupancy sensors. The TCR (T=temperature) range room controllers have built-in temperature sensor with option for VOC, humidity and occupancy sensors.

  • 4-Pipe FCU with VAV
  • 4-Pipe FCU with Htg
  • 2-Pipe FCU with Extra Heating and Zone Heating
  • 2-Pipe FCU with Extra Cooling and Zone Heating
  • 4-Pipe FCu with EC Fan

Chilled Ceiling Applications (optional Air Quality Control)

The QCR and TCR BACnet and Modbus controllers are suitable for variety or chilled ceiling and chilled beam temperature control applications. These include:-

  • Passive chilled ceilings (radiant cooling) with condensation control
  • Active chilled beams
  • Active chilled beams with zone heating/cooling (e.g. underfloor or radiators)
  • All temperature control applications can be combined with CO2 and VOC (volatile organic compound) based Air Quality Control.

The controllers have number of built-in condensation control functions to prevent building fabric from unwanted condensation. If fitted with the humidity sensor (RH-option) and pipe surface temperature sensor, the controllers can predict the dew point and reducing the cooling power accordingly. If connected to condensation switches or condensation sensors the devices can automatically switch cooling off/on when condensation has been detected.

  • Passive Chilled Beam with Optional Zone Heating/Cooling
  • Active Chilled Beam with Optional Heating
  • Passive Chilled Beam with Optional 4-Pipe FCU

Variable Air Volume Control (with Air Quality Control Option)

The QCR/TCR controllers are suitable for variable air volume control where the BACnet/Modbus controller provides setpoint to the VAV terminal box. Alternatively the controllers can control the supply damper to the room space. Typically the damper in the Northern Hemisphere is used for the air flow control and through the air-flow the cooling power is adjusted. The QCR/TCR BACnet and Modbus touchscreen controllers offer damper minimum position control to provide minimum air flow to the space.

With QCR (or TCR with optional VOC sensor) the air flow volume can be controlled to provide fresh air and boost ventilation when the CO2 content of the room space is increasing. The QCR controllers will automatically then control the air flow either to meet the temperature or CO2 level requirements.

  • Variable Air Volume (VAV Terminal Box) Control
  • Supply/Extract Damper Control
  • Cooling or Heating Power Control using the Energy Content in the Supply Air Flow
  • Air Flow Control based on the Air Quality (CO2 and/or VOC - Volatile Organic Compound)
  • Can be combined with additional zone heating/cooling or fan coil units
  • Variable Air Volume (VAV) Control with Additional Heating
  • Variable Air Volume (VAV) Control with Additional FCU Control
  • Supply/Extract Air Flow Control with Additional FCU